Pelini 6, 52100, Pula
Mr. Sc. Žaklina Dodig-Soklić
Mr. Sc. Žaklina Dodig-Soklić
Objavljeno: 20.2.2025. 10:52
Endometrioza je kronična i često bolna bolest kod žena. Radi se o poremećaju u kojem tkivo koje normalno oblaže unutrašnjost maternice – endometrij – raste izvan maternice. Ova bolest je jedan od najčešćih razloga za ženske neplodnosti.
Oblici endometrioze
Prema tome koji je organ zahvaćen endometriozom razlikuju se različiti oblici endometrioze: endometriosis genitalis interna (unutarnja genitalna endometrioza), endometriosis genitalis externa (vanjska genitalna endometrioza) i endometriosis extragenitalis (ekstragenitalna endometrioza).
Endometriosis genitalis interna najčešći je oblik endometrioze u kojoj tkivo raste unutar maternice ali izvan sluznice maternice, kao na primjer u muskulaturi maternice.
U slučaju endometriosis genitalis externa pogođeni su dijelovi izvan maternice. U tom slučaju endometriozna žarišta pojavljuju se na jajnicima i ligamentima koji daju potporu maternici, jajovodima, rodnici.
Kod endometriosis extragenitalis napadnuti su susjedni organi maternice, kao na primjer crijeva, mokraćovodi, mokraćni mjehur ili organi izvan male zdjelice, na primjer pluća. Ovaj oblik endometrioze je najrjeđi.
Raširenost endometrioze
Pretpostavlja se da između 7 i 15 procenata svih žena u dobi seksualne zrelosti boluje od endometrioze. Tako ona spada, nakon mioma, u drugo najčešće ginekološko oboljenje. Osim toga endometrioza je jedan od najčešćih uzroka ženske neplodnosti.
Homeopatsko liječenje endometrioze
Endometrioza se uspješno liječi homeopatijom. Kao i kod drugih kroničnih bolesti potrebno je napraviti individualnu anamnezu i na osnovi toga izabrati individualno sredstvo. Ne postoji jedan homeopatski lijek za svaku endometriozu, kao ni za koju drugu bolest, nego za svaki slučaj endometrioze, koji uključuje ne samo simptome same bolesti, nego i simptome koji se odnose na cjelokupnu osobnost, bira se odgovarajući lijek. Ovo posljednje je posebno važno u slučajevima gdje postoji malo ili nikakvih simptoma koji su vezani za samu bolest. Također je važno uzeti u obzir dublje slojeve bolesti (mijazmički slojevi) koji zapravo čine teren na kojem nastaje endometrioza, te ih na odgovarajući način homeopatski terapirati.
U samoj terapiji jako su važni kontrolni razgovori koji su za homeopata jedini način procjenjivanja tijeka terapije, kao naravno i ginekološki pregledi koji su objektivni parametar za uspješnost terapije.
Liječenje endometrioze treba prepustiti iskusnom homeopatu.
Primjer homeopatski izliječene endometrioze i neplodnosti:
Članak je objavljen u Homeopathy World Community i hpathy.com (vodećem svjetskom homeopatskom portalu):
A Case Of Endometriosis and Secondary Infertility
by Zaklina Dodig-Soklic
Hpathy February, 2017
Written by Zaklina Dodig-Soklic
Homeopath Zaklina Dodig-Soklic presents a case of endometriosis and infertility.
This is a 32 years old woman who is married and works as a kindergarten teacher.
Chief complaint: endometriosis and secondary infertility with male factor
• She had a miscarriage in 2012 in 8th week of pregnancy
• In 2013 she had been diagnosed by ultrasound for the first time to be suffering from endometriosis (left ovary).
• The first laparoscopy in 2014: cyst on left ovary sized 60 x 56 mm
• The second laparoscopy in 2015: cyst on left ovary sized 79 x 76 mm
• In 2015 Chlamydia infection
• Many unsuccessful IVF attempts
• Therapy with hormonal contraceptives
She consulted me for the first time on 09 Oct. 2015
Menstrual Function:
• The cycles are irregular and shortened to 3 weeks or less
• Menses scanty lasts 3-5 days
• Lower back and ovarian pain before menses (1-2), amel. by warmth
• In the past watery and slightly bloody discharge during ovulation
• Menses difficult to wash off (1)
• Vaginal mycosis in the past
• Irritable before menses (3)
• Occasionally soft stool before menses (1)
• Desires for sweets during menses (1)
• Has sexual aversion to coition (3)
• Occasionally vaginal pain during coition (2)
The other symptoms:
• Thermal reaction: cold
• Head sensitive to cold air (2)
• Likes jogging and feels better after that (3)
• Likes music and sometime weeps while listening to it (2)
• Throat sensitive for cold drinks (2)
• Aversion to milk and milk products since childhood (3)
• Aversion to meat (1)
• Desires for sweets (2)
• Knotty stool sometimes
Sleep: Good
Sleep position: on side
Past history:
• Jaundice
• Recurrent tonsillitis in childhood
• Sometimes eruption on the forearms and elbows (1)
• Sometimes pain on the left hip by motion (1)
• Dental granuloma (surgery)
• As a child warts on the fingers
• Ingrowing nails in the past
Family history:
• Father alcoholic
• Mother ovarian cyst, early menopause
• Sister herpes zoster
• Grandfather (father’s side) cancer of throat and alcoholic
This is a smart and pretty young woman with mostly dark clothes. In our
conversation she gave the impression of an outspoken person. She was the
second of three children in the family. She never had a good
relationship with her mother. The mother was emotionally unavailable and
unreliable. There were difficulties in communication with her. ” I
missed connection with my mother.” She had understanding for her mother
because she had three kids, little money and no support.
Her father was emotionally absent. She married a “ very good man“. He
took care of the household and cooked for them both. She is angry with
men because of their power and she discussed that topic with her husband
too. She told him, she didn’t want to cook for him. She is not
interested in doing household work. She doesn’t want to live like her
mother. She said she was prone to hate men and did not hide that from
her husband. “ I don’t like men at all. I’m a feminist. “ Thus she
doesn’t like men to notice her and avoids attractive clothes. She
dislikes vulgar clothing. She feels humiliated while being watched by
men. Although she likes red lipstick she would never use it. “Maybe I’m
not ready yet to be a woman. “
She would like to live in the times of Victorian England (certainly not
because of the situation of women in that époque, rather she prefers
distant men with good manners). When I asked her what she would have
changed about herself, she answered she would like to be more relaxed,
flexible and more emotionally open.
Analysis of the case
Concerning problems with infertility and endometriosis, I always pay attention to symptoms regarding the menstrual cycle.
• Dysmenorrhea, head pain during, before and after menses, depressive mood, fullness of breast before and during menses
• Duration of menses, color, smell and consistency
• Candidiasis, leucorrhoea, pruritus vulvae, painful coitus…
It is also important to eliminate the miasmatic layer. Endometriosis is a
sycotic condition because of the nature of the disease, which involves
the pelvic and sexual organs. This case belongs to the sycotic miasm
also due to miscarriage, overgrowth of tissue, benign enlargements,
infertility. I use the nosodes not only as anti-miasmatics, but also as
constitutional remedies. But with some complaints, such as endometriosis
and infertility I use the nosodes as intercurrent remedies. The
response to the indicated constitutional remedy dramatically improves
after the use of the anti-miasmatic remedy. When dealing with
infertility it is important to treat not only the woman but also her
man, even if he was not diagnosed with MFI (male factor infertility), as
the constitutional remedy would boost his immunity also. In this case
it was obvious to me that her husband must be treated
(Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia) and I treated him with his constitutional
remedy Calc-carb. (obesity as child and young man, kyphosis, profuse
perspiration after slight exercise and other symptoms) and Luesinum as
the intercurrent remedy because of the degenerative processes
I picked the following rubrics (R. van Zandvoort) for this case:
• Mind; Indolence, aversion to work; housework, aversion to her usual
• Mind; Irritability; menses; before
• Female; Coition; aversion to
• Female; Endometriosis
• Female; Enlarged; ovaries
• Female; Menses; early, too, frequent; scanty, and
• Female; Menses; short, too
• Female; Sexual, libido; desire; diminished
• Generalities; Food and drinks; milk, milk products; aversion
• Generalities; Motion, motions; amel.
10 Oct. 2015: Sepia 10M
Firs follow up 15 Nov. 2015:
• Two months before the homeopathic therapy she had a menstrual cycle of 17 days, now it appears after 24 days
• During menses she felt cramps in the uterus, but this time she didn’t have lower back pain
• After work she didn’t feel as tired as she used to
• She started to jog
Sach. lac.
Follow up 01 Dec. 2015
• Menses after 19 days
• It lasts 2 days
• A little leucorrhoea before menses
• Restless sleep
• Sore throat, which disappeared after two days without being treated
Thuj. 1M – Between Thuja and Medorrhinum as anti-sycotic remedies, I
chose Thuja for this case because it is a chilly remedy, while
Medorrhinum is a hot one. Medorrhinum also has much more local
Follow up 10 Jan. 2016
• Menses after 25 days
• Libido a little increased
• No detectable cysts on ultrasound
Sep. CM (Fincke)
Follow up 15 Feb. 2016
• Menses after 26 days
• No more vaginal pain during coition
• She needs less sleep
Sep. CM (Fincke)
Follow up 20. March 2016
• Menses after 25 days
• Libido increased
• The feet no more cold
• She feels like cooking
Sep. CM (Fincke)
Follow up 25 Apr. 2016
• There are already 26 days after the last menses and she didn’t get her period yet
• She feels generally good
After one week she contacted me to say she was pregnant.
Now, after seven months of pregnancy, she doesn’t have any remarkable complaints.